News & Results

2024-01-14 Results

Written by Henry DiPietro | January 28, 2024 5:46:47 AM Z
Winter storms are starting their trek across the U.S. arriving in New England about every three or four days. We had snow/rain last Sunday, another blast Wednesday, the latest one Saturday. Most of these events have lots of rain in them which has caused river flooding. The heavy winds combined with exceptional high tides have also caused coastal flooding! Yesterday was unsalable with winds in the 20’s and gusts up into the forty’s. Ken Read reported a 50 mph gust up at the top of the island. So to say the least we didn’t race yesterday. I know, I know, I can hear the chorus of ‘wimps’ from here!

Today the winds abated (somewhat) and with temps in the mid-30’s the windchill was in the mid-20’s. Solid B-Rig winds out of the SSW with heavy gusts into the mid twenty’s and chop made for challenging conditions!  
Various breakages/burnouts laid waste to four boats, yours truly included, so the fleet winnowed down towards the end of the day. 

Ken Read put in another solid performance with Matt Sole and Parker Ives tied for second place! Lots of fun watching the little rigs! Even with the smaller rigs the boats were still submarining on the down wind legs! Yikes!!!
So, another one in the books. See you all next weekend!