About Newport Model Sailing Club

The Newport Model Sailing Club is formed to promote the sport of Radio Controlled sailing in Southern New England.

The club provides its members with weekly opportunities to sail and hosts regional and national sailing events.

What we sail:

DragonFlite 95 (DF95) and a developing fleet of International One Meter (IOM) boats.

Where we sail:

In the summer we alternate between Sail Newport at Fort Adams and the New York Yacht Club

In the winter we sail exclusively at Sail Newport.

How to Join:

$25 Annual Dues - Fees support safety boat, marks, website and more.

Membership runs by calendar year, no pro-rating.


Official Documents:

2024-01-23 - RI Articles of Incorporation

2024-01-24 - Federal EIN Assignment Letter

2024-12-09 - 501(c)(7) Letter from the IRS


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