Race Results, Sunday February 18

The entertainment value of watching DF95s with B Rigs on a blustery winter’s day in winter is unparalleled. With temps in the low 30’s and wind speeds in the high teens gusting into the 20’s the windchill factor was in the single digits. 
The conditions forced several skippers (including yours truly) to retire from racing early. None was so dramatic than Steve Menninger who had to take the chase boat and retrieve his DF before it went out into Narragansett Bay! Parker Ives again did a great job laying out a course in very difficult conditions. Jim Pascalides was a task master keeping the action going and providing all the participants with a chance at 2 through outs. Thanks to Suzy Leech for calling the line and keeping everyone honest. 
Great big breeze sailing with Kenny, Anthony, and Matt taking there top three spots.